Friday, April 3, 2009

Olivia dons her new spring rain gear collection.

Kim woke Olivia up early Friday morning and asked her if she wanted to go to scouts with Daddy. She popped out of bed and was ready to go. We went to a Cub to Boy Scout Bridging ceremony in the rain. We had the cub scout cross the historic Burnside Bridge that the Union troops took from the Confederate Army during the Civil War battle of Antietam.

Olivia looks like she still needed more sleep as she holds a flower one of the other kids gave her.

Nicholai debuts his new spring apparel.

I was feeling bad that I had not posted any photos of Nicholai. So here are 4 photos of him from the beginning of March and April.

These above two photos were taken on April 3rd. I bonded with Nicholai while Olivia and Mommy took a nap. The bottom two photos were taken a month earlier.

We took both of these photos on March 1st so we could get Nicholai in his baby blessing outfit before he grew out of it. He is bigger and stronger than Olivia was at this age, and also much more restless. A lot of times when you are holding him on your shoulder he starts pumping his legs and slipping off to the side. You can tell by the blurry feet in both of these photos that he is pumping his legs again.